This week I work shopped my idea of using survey responses as stimuli, to develop Augusto Boal’s exercise Rhythm with chairs. Using the survey responses created some interesting images on what it constitutes to be an adult and what responsibilities adults have, in connection with a letter to a past self the writers created. This gave movement to the scene but currently a new way of transitioning needs to be researched to enable the actors to change fluidly when going into the spoken role and between creating the images. I will research this to allow us to explore and experiment with movements in order to develop our pieces aesthetic, whilst ensuring the movements relate to Shoes to fill and adulthood so that the scene retains clarity for audience members. The Theatre of the Oppressed allows actors ‘to stretch the limits of their imaginations, [and] demechanize habitual behaviors’ (Anon, 2015) meaning ages would be depicted in non-habitual ways and thought of more thoroughly.
An image of the actors showing how their relationship with chairs is challenged and changed to reflect thoughts on adulthood.

The writers are working from survey responses to edit and develop the scene, using the perspectives gained. The letter talks of what shoes the future self thinks the past self should fill. To develop this further I shall suggest to the director the idea of having shoes placed by the chair for the actor reading the letter to wear, to symbolise that they are the same person. This shall be referenced multiple times in our piece as the idea for this has been brought up when related to other scenes by the director.