Blog 2

As a company, we spoke about many potential ideas for scenes that myself and Ollie as the writing team went away and worked on. Music is a key point of interest for me as it has always been a large part of my life, having played the piano since I was six years old. The first scene we completed was a collection of song lyrics that related to growing up, collecting a large amount of lyrics and setting it out like a conversation between a child and an adult with the child saying how much they want to grow up and be independent, but then the adult voice contesting this saying how they want to go back to a simpler time when they were free from responsibility. * The song “Never Grow Up” by Taylor Swift was part of this scene.

Lyrics for scene



Another song that was a particular inspiration for me was ‘When I Grow Up’ from Matilda the Musical. This song sums up what some children believe constitutes as an adult and it is a humorous way of showing their naivety. Lines like ‘when I grow up, I will be smart enough to answer all the questions that you need to know the answers to before you’re grown up’ (Matilda the Musical Cast, 2011) is a particular line that stood out as we were discussing that, as supposedly “adults” ourselves, we are still continuously learning how to survive. Even our parents or “adults” who are older and wiser are learning new things constantly. This song prompted the idea of possibly interviewing some children to find out their views about what they think makes an adult. ** We feel that this would be an interesting, more fair and appropriate way of showing the views of children instead of trying to play a young person ourselves by using stereotypes.

Looking into films has further interested me in this area too. Father of the Bride is an interesting case study as when the protagonist’s daughter announces she is getting married, he goes through a sort of mid-life crisis: starts wearing his old clothes and dyes his hair. He cannot accept that his daughter has grown up and he is also not as young as he once was.




* This scene never made it into the final performance due to copyright issues.

** One interview was successfully conducted between one of our company members and her seven year old cousin. This scene became the opening of Shoes to Fill and was a humorous and cute way to open the performance.


Works Cited

Matilda the Musical Cast (2011) When I Grow Up. [CD track] 3 mins. 36 secs. Matilda the Musical Soundtrack. UK: Rsc Enterprise Ltd.

Shyer, C. (dir.) (1991) Father of the Bride. [DVD] USA: Touchstone Pictures.

tanakorn love (2013) Never Grow Up Lyrics [online video] Available from [Accessed 12 February 2015].

Blog 1

Forefront Theatre Company’s journey began in January 2015 and from very early on we settled on the idea of “adulthood”, an ever-looming prospect for us all as our three years at University draw to a close. We wanted our final performance to have a purpose and to be relevant as it is significant not only to our peers at university who are preparing to leave the safe environment of education and join the intimidating wide world, but it is relevant to everyone. Adults are continuously growing themselves; growing with their children, growing older. As final year students, most of us agreed that we still do not in fact feel like fully-fledged adults and this spurred the discussion of what actually defines a person as an “adult”.

  • Is it your age – physical and mental?
  • How responsible you are?
  • Whether or not you are dependent on another adult?
  • Unfortunate circumstances forcing you to grow up faster?

Who then makes the decision that one has made the transition into adulthood? Is it the law: with passports, driving, drinking, sex? Is it society: your parents, teachers, friends? Or is it in fact yourself: your personal circumstances, responsibilities or achievements that deem you worthy to call yourself an “adult”? These questions provided us with the starting point for the next few months creating our piece, Shoes to Fill.

