Looking Back on Performance Day

I felt performance day went extremely well. Considering that 2 weeks ago we were still very much in the process of blocking, we have come a long way very quickly. In terms of lighting and sound, everything ran smoothly (thanks to Emmie and Tamsyn) and looked and sounded fantastic, despite having a few problems with the wireless microphone earlier on in the day. In terms of acting, on the whole I was pleased with my performance. I do feel however that in the Tinder scene I should have perhaps overacted my sexuality a bit more and also remembered to pause to allow the audience to laugh.  Overall our piece appeared to receive positive reactions from our audience members.

As a theatre company we have grown a lot closer. With differing personalities and tastes in the group it has sometimes appeared an impossible challenge to create a performance. This experience has taught me that forming and being within a theatre company cannot be a selfish endeavour. Compromise has been fundamental to our success.

Below are a few photos from show night. Goodbye for now!

Clare Owen

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(Photo by Eden Shortt 2015)

ff photo2

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(Photos by Forefront Theatre 2015)

photo 5

(Photo by Clare Owen 2015)


Forefront Theatre (2015) Photos of Cast On Stage

Owen, C. (2015) Photo of Clare and Ollie

Shortt, E. (2015) Photo of Cast Backstage