Budget Documents

If ForeFront Theatre Company became a fully operating company, costs such as cast and company wages, room-hire costs, Insurance, Technical equipment etc. would have to be equated into the budget. Shoes to Fill  ran on a very low budget. In the future if we ran a larger production or toured I would like to action the fundraising ideas which are mentioned as contingency for the current project.

The budget here is broken into two sections; income and operating costs. As you can see our production is a low-budget piece. The £200 income we were given from the University was enough for the materials and props needed in our production.

The receipts have been collected and after careful budgeting on each department, we are in budget!

See our budget attached below:

The budget 2015

Sophia’s Final Business Budget

Verbatim- the importance of being ethical

‘The term verbatim refers to the origins of the text spoken in the play. The words of real people are recorded or transcribed by a dramatist during an interview or research process, or are appropriated from excising records such as transcripts of an official enquiry’ (Hammond, 2, 2008).

Attached below is part of the EA2 documentation I had sent off in order to have approval for our company research.

ethics form


EA2-Form-Humans FOR THEATRE COMPANY to send


Works cited:

Hammond, W. (2008) Verbatim: Contemporary Documentary Theatre London: Oberon books Ltd